Initiated in July 2013 with a meeting to determine interest and common objectives, the Coalition of Centres in Global Child Health (The Coalition) was born to harness this common interest in global health. To date, the Coalition has already garnered letters of support from over 40 leading academic centres in global child health and from the International Pediatric Association.


The Coalition Secretariat sits at the SickKids Centre for Global Child Health and is the physical and virtual hub through which the participating centres are able to engage with one another, providing administrative and communications support, and leadership. Having the Coalition Secretariat based at SickKids will ensure that Canadian institutions and Canada as a country has a direct pulse on the global activities and opportunities occurring within the Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health space.


The Coalition will provide a common platform through which academic centres for global or international child health, from around the world, can work together to enhance research capacity, collaboration, accountability and knowledge translation in order to improve child survival, health and development.